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Frendix - From Finland for the World

Since 1997 - Domestic production and in-house product development


The Original Finnish InnoLIFT

Self-loading - load the cargo and the InnoLIFT climbs in and out of the vehicle with it!


All You Need for Storing Tires

Tire racks, stackers, tire management program and accessories

Over 25 years of Finnish design and manufacturing

Frendix Oy is a family business that designs and manufactures its own products in Finland. We have produced solutions especially for the transportation industry, car and tire industry and the pharmaceutical and food industries. Thanks to our extensive Frendix sales network, we are able to operate world wide.

Get to know our products

Frendix InnoLIFT and van.
Frendix InnoLIFT logo.

The Finnish innovation, a transportable selfloading forklift InnoLIFT is designed for vans and light commercial vehicles. The machine climbs inside the vehicle with the cargo so you can get the job done by one worker with fast results.

Lift, load and deliver with no need for changes made to your vehicle, such as tail gates, lifting booms, or other mounted lifting equipment.

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Frendix tire racks and tire stacker.
Frendix tire storage logo.

We offer customized solutions for all your tire storaging needs with the experience of over 20 years.

All Frendix TireSTORAGE solutions are adaptable and fit perfectly together. Our solutions bring efficiency, safety and reliability to our customers’ operations without manual handling of the tires.

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Frendix tire manager logo.

Manage your tires effortlessly with TireMANAGER – a tire management program. Access the program from your mobile phone, tablet or PC and never lose tires again.

Reduce the chaos that comes from running between the tire racks while looking for tires or placing them. Frendix TireMANAGER quides you to a safer and more efficient shelving of the tires and warns you about dangerous placements. Get detailed reports and keep a track of all your tires even with multiple warehouses.

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Frendix tiremanager mobile tire management.
Frendix material handling logo.

Frendix Material Handling Equipments are manufactured in Finland and are made to withstand heavy use. We offer lifting and material handling equipment like stackers and pallet trucks. We just need information about what kind of material needs lifting, in what conditions, how high and how often.

Stackers, Hand Pallet Trucks & Power Pallet Trucks

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